What are the features offered by Standby systems Riello UPS and how will the user benefit?
Easily manageable UPS unit
- Easy and reliable interfacing and management into any network via USB or RS232 serial connectivity.
- Easy and effective UPS management/monitoring via your network.
- Easy to use, free of charge, service management software with simple graphical representation for understanding by any UPS user.
- Remote control and power management of the connected inverter loads.
- LED and graphic, front display on most models.
- Visual and audible alarms.
- Notification of problems or power supply irregularities via SMS or your network.
Power supply continuity and availability
- Different selectable charging regimes from the rectifier ensure maximum battery service life.
- Built-in battery management systems.
- State-of-the-art battery charger with the lowest ripple voltage damage to your battery in the industry of its class.
- Battery self-test facility.
- Battery temperature compensated charging to ensure maximum battery in-service life.
- Battery backup time available on the front of the display for easy user information and action before it goes flat.
- Programmable UPS load controlled orderly shutdown on power failure and auto restart of inverter and load on power return.
- Low battery voltage auto disconnect ensures the battery stays protected.
- Built-in AVR in smaller off-line and line-interactive ranges.
- Unsurpassed input voltage tolerance of rectifier without the need to use the battery power. This helps conserve the battery backup power available under bad power supply conditions and ensures longer battery service life.
UPS user safety
All relative EU and IEC standards and compliance ensure a high quality and reliable UPS system, designed and built in Italy, that can be safely used and operated by the user within the required operating condition.
UPS Intelligence
- Built-in intelligence allows the UPS to adapt to and tolerate varying power supply changes without affecting the load.
- This clever UPS will maximise battery life by operating at a wide range of input voltages without affecting the inverter supply voltage to the critical load.
- Operation at optimal performance and efficiency levels at all types and levels of inverter loads are achieved.
- Easy interface and operation with Standby Diesel generator set when the mains supply fails.
- Selectable input supply voltage limits before going onto battery supply.
Easy service
- Built-in, user-friendly, Hot-swap battery packs for most single-phase Riello Sentinel models.
- Battery self-test and fault indication should the battery backup fail, giving a pre-warning of a problem before the next time you need your battery to work when the power fails.
- Service from Standby Systems in every province of South Africa and neighbouring countries.
- Fully-fledged RIELLO UPS service division with 24/7 UPS support and spares availability nationally.